Sunday, August 17, 2008

Care Tips for Your Exotic Pet Turtle

You must be an owner responsible pet if you intend to have exotic pets. You should consider your lifestyle personally in the quest for the perfect exotic pets. You must be committed, as owner in the provision of the needs of their exotic pet to survive.

There are exotic pets that may require special treatment. You can find exotic pets that may be required to eat large amounts of meat and could be a threat to their children when they are fully grown. Large exotic pets can be very difficult to care for, in front of a parrot or a turtle, which are easier to cultivate and nurture. If you think owning a turtle, here are some tips on how to take proper care of their tortoise.

1. The turtles need the proper temperature to live. You must maintain a 77 to 96 degrees F temperature in the aquarium. You can install a heater tank to provide the required temperature for turtle. The turtles tend to be slow and lose their appetite when the temperature is low.

2. You must keep your aquarium clean. Preventing the aquarium is too dirty. This way, you keep your turtle away from health problems. You can use a filtration system to keep the water clean and clear.

3. Supply your turtle with enough food, such as algae, crustaceans, offspring of mice, and small fish. It can also provide food sources, such as fruits and vegetables that are better for terrapins.

4. You can feed the turtles from two to three times a week. You can use a small holding containers that are furthest removed from the left of the box normal aquariums.

5. Always clean the aquarium and all its filtration system at least twice a month. Remove the soil from the ponds where most of the time served as the resting place of their tortoise.

6. The 75 percent of the water in the tank for bathing and the remaining space for its turtle in the sun. Basking is essential for turtles since it avoids the dry shell.

7. It is possible to schedule regular checks with their community veterinarian who specializes in turtles and other reptiles.

Being an owner of exotic pets requires a lot of responsibility. You should always evaluate whether you really can provide care for an exotic pet. You should plan well so that you can prepare properly once they have decided to possess exotic.

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